Yashica TL-Electro Light Seals
USCamera custom light seal kit for the Yashica TL Electro film cameras. This 6 piece custom kit includes lower/upper door channel seals on the camera body, short lower/upper channel seals starting at back cover hinge end, 1 mirror cushion and 1 door hinge seal on the camera body.
USCamera light seal placement guide for this Yashica film camera, here. Coming Soon.
Yashica YashicaMat Light Seals
USCamera custom light seal replacement kit for all Yashica YashicaMat camera bodies. This 5 piece kit includes 4 back cover seals and 1 meter housing seal.
Please note. Though this seal kit is cut for the 124G, it fits every Yashica Model we have seen that uses seals on the back cover. Some older YashicaMat cameras may not use a seal at the door hinge. If that is the case with your camera, you do not want to add foam there.
USCamera light seal kit placement guide available here.
Yashica ZoomTec 90 Super Parts List
USCamera digital presentation of the Yashica ZoomTec 90 Super parts list, and exploded views. High Resolution B&W 1st generation scans of an original parts list. Much better contrast, and easier to read than most downloads. Easy 400% magnification. Download available immediately after payment is accepted. 2 download limit for the file(s) purchased never expires. Make sure your download is delivered smoothly and hassle free. Make a user account when checking out. More information on that here.
11-page PDF 6.20 MB
Yashica ZoomTec 90 Super Parts List
Zeiss Contaflex IV Owners Manual
USCamera digital presentation of a genuine Zeiss Contaflex IV owners manual. Download available immediately after payment is accepted. 2 download limit for the file(s) purchased never expires. Make sure your download is delivered smoothly and hassle free. Make a user account when checking out. More information on that here.
Zeiss Contaflex IV User Manual
44 page PDF 1.59 MB
Zeiss Contaflex Super Repair Instructions
USCamera digital presentation of a genuine Zeiss Contaflex Super Repair Instructions. Download link sent immediately after payment is accepted. 2 download limit for the file(s) purchased never expires. Make sure your download is delivered smoothly and hassle free. Make a user account when checking out. More information on that here.
13-page PDF 5.65 MB
Zeiss Contaflex Super Repair Instructions
Zeiss Contessa Owners Manual
USCamera full-color digital presentation of a genuine Zeiss Contessa owners manual. Download available immediately after payment is accepted. 2 download limit for the file(s) purchased never expires. Make sure your download is delivered smoothly and hassle free. Make a user account when checking out. More information on that here.
Zeiss Contessa Owners Manual
40Â page PDF 1.73 MB
Zeiss Contessa-Matic Service Manual
Digital presentation of a original Zeiss Contessa Matic models 10.0632, and 10.634 service manual, parts list and exploded views. The service manual also includes disassembly, adjustments and more.  Download available immediately after payment is accepted. 2 download limit for the file(s) purchased never expires. Make sure your download is delivered smoothly and hassle free. Make a user account when checking out. More information on that here.
57-page PDF 3.20 MB
Zeiss Contessa-Matic Service Manual
Zeiss-Contaflex I Service Manual
Digital presentation of a genuine Zeiss Contaflex I service manual. Please understand at the time the sample manual was digitized, it was a somewhat used service manual over 50 years old.  Needless to say, all pages very usable/readable; however, they do not have the contrast of manuals that are created completely in the digital format of today. Download available immediately after payment is accepted. 2 download limit for the file(s) purchased never expires.
Make sure your download is delivered smoothly and hassle free. Make a user account when checking out. More information on that here.
91-page PDF 4.13 MB
Zeiss-Contaflex I Service Manual
Zeiss-Contaflex I-II-III-IV Service Manual
Digital presentation of a genuine Zeiss Contaflex I, II, III, and IV service manuals and parts list.  Please understand at the time the sample manuals were digitized, these manuals were somewhat used and over 50 years old.  Needless to say, all pages are very usable/readable; however, they do not have the contrast of manuals that are created completely in the digital format of today. Download available immediately after payment is accepted. 2 download limit for the file(s) purchased never expires. Make sure your download is delivered smoothly and hassle free. Make a user account when checking out. More information on that here.
192-page PDF 13.4 MB
Zeiss-Contaflex I-II-III-IV Service Manual
Zeiss-Contaflex II Service Manual
Digital presentation of a genuine Zeiss Contaflex II service manual. Please understand at the time the sample manual was digitized, it was a somewhat used service manual over 50 years old.  Needless to say, all pages very usable/readable; however, they do not have the contrast of manuals that are created completely in the digital format of today.  Download available immediately after payment is accepted. 2 download limit for the file(s) purchased never expires.
Make sure your download is delivered smoothly and hassle free. Make a user account when checking out. More information on that here.
44-page PDF 2.00 MB
Zeiss-Contaflex II Service Manual
Zeiss-Contaflex III-IV Service Manual
Digital presentation of a genuine Zeiss Contaflex III and IV service manual. Please understand at the time the sample manual was digitized, it was a somewhat used service manual over 50 years old.  Needless to say, all pages very usable/readable; however, they do not have the contrast of manuals that are created completely in the digital format of today.  Download available immediately after payment is accepted. 2 download limit for the file(s) purchased never expires.
Make sure your download is delivered smoothly and hassle free. Make a user account when checking out. More information on that here.
40-page PDF 4.86 MB
Zeiss-Contaflex III-IV Service Manual