Experienced - Knowledgeable - Staff USCamera
Here for your
Film Camera Needs
USCamera started and stayed with
film cameras. We like what we do. We can
help you with parts, light seals, and service.
USCamera A Higher
Level of Service
Over 50 Years of Service Experience
with the Worlds Finest Film Cameras
Contact Us
16mm - 35mm - 110mm - Medium Format
Accessories - AF Compact 35 - Rangefinders
SLR Cameras - Lenses - Lens Caps - Filters
Much More
16mm Stecky Canon - Cosina - Fuji - Fujica
Kodak Carousel - Mamiya - Minolta - Minox
Nikon - Pentax - Rollei - More
New Layer Contact Us Now Selling Usable Always Collectable
Vintage Film Camera Equipment
Always Paying Fair
Prices for Your Film Gear
All film cameras need service
at times. Check your light
seals before your fogged
film shows they are bad
We have installed thousands
of light seals. You can learn
from our experience... look here.
We stock all the most common lengths
of lengths and widths of light seals
already cut and ready to ship. We can cut
most any special seal required with your
measurements or a sample.
Contact Us

Light Seal Kit Placement Guides