Konica Auto-Reflex T4 TC Placement Guide
USCamera Light Seal Placement Guide | Konica Auto-Reflex T4 TC
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Konica Auto-Reflex T4 TC Placement Guide
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You are installing a light seal kit for the Konica Auto-Reflex T4 TC
The TC and the T4 are very similar. The only difference I am aware of was the ability for the T4 to accept a powered winder capable of up to 2 frames per second. Both cameras were considered top of the line for Konica.
This 8 Piece USCamera light seal kit includes,
Top channel seal, camera body – 1 x 1mm
Bottom channel seal, camera body – 1 x 1mm
Door latch channel seal, back cover, – 1 x 3mm
Hinge seal, camera body – 1 x 1mm
Mirror Cushion Kit*
Mirror cushion, front – 1 x 1mm
Meter diffusor, right – 1 x 1mm
Finder frame, back – 1 x 1mm
Finder frame, left – 1 x 1mm
Special Note
We include the mirror cushion with the foam to the left, tight and back of that foam. Tech Note. I would not recommend trying to replace the mirror cushion or other foam in that area unless you remove the finder frame assembly from the camera. In my opnion, the chance of damage to the focusing screen would be to risky.
See all USCamera light seal kits for Konica and more, start here.
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how to remove the finder frame? my konica has a light baffle really hard to get to the mirror bumper.
Replacing the viewfinder foam and mirror cushion is very difficult on all Konica cameras. The T4, TC and the FT-1 are probably the easiest. You really need to remove the top cover and then finder assembly complete to access that area of the camera. It is important because you can easily damage the viewfinder screen if you don’t get the screen out of your way. With most Fresnel screens, if that sticky foam touches it, if will always leave a permanent mark or some residue on it. You will not have a light leak if you leave those finder seals alone. Light leaks are from the film compartment area. Your camera will be light tight if clean and remove all the old seal material in the body door channels, the latch plate area and the old door hinge seal on the body casting. Hope that helps you.
how do you remove the finder frame Ikonika has a light baffle and its really hard to get to the mirror bumper
Yes it is very difficult and requires some major disassembly. The Auto-Reflex series of Konica cameras are probably the most difficult to replace the mirror cushion and foam around the Fresnel screen than any other cameras.
I had to end up replacing the mirror bumper as the mirror was sticking shut to it. I watched a video on another camera and just figure it out there. I don’t mind since it’s more of my learning camera and learning it’s mechanics and all. I did make one mistake which was not setting the ASA to a certain number before removing it now I’m not sure if I put it back on right. Is there an indicator that you would know of so I could set it back right?