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Fujica ST901 Light Seals

USCamera custom light seal kit for the Fujica ST901 film cameras. This 10 piece custom USCamera foam kit includes lower/upper back cover channel seals, door hinge seal on the back cover, back cover latch plate seal, lower/upper latch plate seal on the camera body, lower/upper camera body channel seals, a replacement mirror cushion and the back cover film reminder window seal. TECH NOTE.  The channel seals on the camera body are not installed starting at the hinge end of the body, like many cameras.  Lens mount facing down. For the ST901, these seals are carefully centered in the straight part of the body channels, before the channel turns downward. When installed properly, there will be little if any that seal material leftover. That is the factory install procedure. Also, the proper seals required there are shorter than you would imagine.   UScamera light seal placement guide for this Fujica film camera go here.