Minolta Hi-Matic-7-7s-9 Placement Guide
Minolta Hi-Matic-7-7s-9 Placement Guide | Film Cameras | Light Seal Kits
Before doing anything, please go here.
Minolta Hi-Matic-7-7s-9 Placement Guide | Film Cameras | Light Seal Kits
For more information on purchasing this kit, go here
You are installing a 3 piece kit for the Minolta Hi-Matic 7, 7s and the Hi-Matic 9 film cameras.
You will have to cut foam piece from the upper channel seal(longer piece. This short piece needs to fit in the upper channel from the start at the hinge end to the opening at the counter actuation lever.
This custom light seal kit includes,
Lower short channel seal, camera body – 1 x 1mm
Upper longer channel seal, camera body – 1 x 1mm
Hinge seal, back cover – 1 x 1mm
Minolta Hi-Matic-7-7s-9 Placement Guide | Film Cameras | Light Seal Kits
For help installing New and also removing old light seals please go here. Follow the link to that short read and improve the quality of your light seal install.
USCamera light seal kit placement guides can also help you if the old light seals have been removed. Look here
You may also see all USCamera light seal kits for Minolta, Go here.
Please contact us with any questions or requests.
Also, new light seal kits and parts are added almost every day.
First, the most important and time-consuming work is…
… removing the old seals. Focus on clean, clean, and clean.
Minolta Film Cameras | USCamera Light Seal Kits
Minolta Hi-Matic-7-7s-9 Placement Guide | Light Seal Kits
Likewise, the old residue from the door channels, mirror cushion area, door hinge area and other areas where you are replacing seals, must be clean and spotless.
The finest adhesive in the world will not adhere to that sticky, gooey residue that was once a foam light seal. Furthermore, proper installation will also give you thousands of light tight pics.
Minolta film products may be in the past, for now… see what’s new as Minolta is still going strong, look here Konica-Minolta
We are now making light seal kits for over 90 film camera models. You may also see all light seals and more, Start here.
USCamera Online Since 1998 | Also Vintage Camera, Flash, Lens Parts | Service Manuals Part Lists | Minolta Hi-Matic-7-7s-9 Placement Guide | Minolta Light Seals
Minolta Hi-Matic-7-7s-9 Placement Guide | USCamera Light Seal Kits | Parts Plus
General Installation Guidelines
Before you do anything, please read the general instructions on removing and installing light seals here.
Channel seals, camera body.
Install the upper and lower back cover channel seals starting at the hinge side on the camera body, working from right to left. The upper channel has the counter actuation lever.
Also, you will need to install this seal as close to each side of the counter lever opening as possible.
The lower seal is the short channel seal. Start installing the lower channel seal at the hinge end first and work to the left. This seal only covers the channel as it rounds the corner about 3mm down. It does not fit the complete channel like the top seal.
Hinge Seal, back cover.
Install this starting at the top edge of the back cover, hinge side and work your way down.
Installed the seals in my newly acquired Hi-Matic 7 tonight. My first time installing light seals. All went quickly and smoothly.
Going to let them dry for a couple of days before loading some film to see how I did.
Thank you for the excellent kit and instructions.