Mamiya C330 Pro S Light Seal Placement Guide
Mamiya C330 Pro S Light Seal Placement Guide
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Mamiya C330 Pro S Light Seal Placement Guide
For more information on purchasing this kit, go here
You are installing a 6 piece kit for the Mamiya C330 Pro S TLR cameras.
This USCamera light seal kit includes,
Left body channel seal, camera – 1 x 2mm – 135mm long
Right body channel seal, camera – 1 x 2mm 135mm long
Top door channel seal – 1 x 2mm
Hinge seal, back cover – 1 x 3mm
Left back channel seal – 1 x 2mm
Right back channel seal – 1 x 2mm
Mamiya C330 Pro S Light Seal
This is a straight forward installation.
I start with the body casting first on this camera. I place the top channel seal first. Next, make this short channel seal. You also need to cut a short piece from one of the long channel seals for the camera body. Approximately 20.5mm long. Looking at the back of this camera with finder at the top, right body channel. This short foam piece fits where the casting starts, and stops at the counter actuation lever opening. You take your own measurement to verify the correct length. The the remainder of the seal can be placed in same channel starting moving to the top of this channel and placing the seal up against the top channel seal, then work your way down to the lever opening. You never want to foam over a counter lever.
The addition of the partial channel seals on the back cover has something to do with the plastic film chamber insert this camera uses.
On the back cover, install the hinge seal first. The place the each channel seal up against the hinge seal when starting the install. The channel seals on the back cover are not full length like the body channel seals.

Mamiya C330 Pro S Light Seal Placement Guide
The most important and time consuming work is removing the old seals. Focus on clean, clean, clean. Clean the old residue from the door channels, mirror cushion area, door hinge area and anywhere else you are replacing the seals. The finest adhesive in the world will not adhere to that sticky, gooey residue that was once a quality light seal. Proper installation will give you thousands of light tight exposures.
USCamera light seals are made from the finest open cell foam only Made in Japan. We have searched everywhere for other products for cameras and tested many samples of open cell foam. No other foam we have found even comes close.
See all USCamera light seal kits for Mamiya and more.
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